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On Top of Competitive Commission Splits, the 1,100 Agent Swarm Group at eXp Realty Offers:

28 Ways to Profit

There are more ways to make money with us. PERIOD. Our agents have 28 unique ways to profit through real estate. We offer more ways to sell properties than other realtors. While we offer traditional listing services, like most listing agents, our agents offer SEVEN different options to market and sell real estate for top dollar & SIX unique Buyer Services.

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One Unified Brokerage

eXp Realty is one unified brokerage. With over 85,000+ agents and in nearly 30 countries, eXp realty offers global opportunities to make money & expand your businesses in a variety of ways other brokerage don't offer.

Virtual Workplace via the Cloud

Instead of brick-and-mortar offices, eXp Realty agents, brokers and staff work from home or anywhere they desire via the cloud in eXp World. Using eXp’s robust technology, there are no commutes to and from the office. Agents are very mobile and make their office wherever there is an internet connection. Request a Two Week Guest Pass to eXp World. Because eXp understands that certain agents prefer working inside separate office spaces, they have partnered with Regus Office Spaces. Every eXp agent gets a complimentary membership to use any one of Regus' 3,000+ office locations.

Collaborative Technology

eXp World is eXp’s virtual world in which eXp agents and staff members move about and communicate with each other via their own personalized avatars on a large online campus, complete with offices for support staff such as accounting, brokerage operations, and human resources. There are meeting rooms and large auditoriums for the entire company to gather. The experience is similar to the popular life simulation video game, The Sims. Request a Two Week Guest Pass to eXp World

Workplace is one of eXp’s most effective and popular communication tools because it helps the global eXp agent community interact seamlessly with one another in a quick, chat-like setting.

These two tools engage eXp’s massive agent population and allow them to interact seamlessly across states and time zones to talk out ideas and partnerships.

Live Training & Classes

eXp’s training is robust and ongoing. New agents are given a fast start curriculum to follow for the first few months. There is continuous support with live, ongoing classes 60+ hours a week for all agents covering tips on sales and listings, lead generation, social media, CRM tools and more. Sessions are recorded, so there’s no fear of missing a class! See eXp training calendar.

Real-Time Support

eXp’s IT and service support staff is available during working hours across U.S. time zones, offering support for any question or need — technical or otherwise. 

Affiliate Partners

eXp’s Preferred Partner program provides eXp Realty agents and their clients with a marketplace for home-buying and -selling services such as mortgages, title, escrow, moving services and home warranties. Everything is set up for an eXp agent to seamlessly keep the transaction moving forward. 

National & International Collaboration

eXp is a collaborative company where agents are eager and willing to help other agents near and far. This can happen organically through eXp World or Workplace or through programs such as ICONversations and Agents Helping Agents — two programs in which top-producing eXp agents share their tips on success with other eXp agents. Also, referrals can come from anywhere across the country, as well as internationally.

Shareholder Benefits

Yes, that’s right. Agents can receive shares of stock in eXp World Holdings (eXp Realty’s parent company) after reaching milestones. Owning stock in the publicly-traded company (EXPI) not only provides financial security but also gives agents a voice in the company and enhances their commitment to helping eXp succeed. 

Earn Over 100% Commission

At eXp, the commission model is an 80/20 commission split with a $16,000 annual cap. That means each time an agent closes on a property, they keep 80% of the commission and 20% goes to eXp. Once the agent hits the $16,000 cap in their anniversary year, they keep 100% of the commission per transaction. Other opportunities at eXp such as Revenue Sharing & ICON status can help agents earn over 100% commission!

Less Overhead

Traditional brokerages have hefty setup charges for agents. Because eXp is a virtual environment, agents are not hit with costly overhead fees passed onto them for brokerage operations such as rent, desk fees, insurance, utilities, furnishings, staff and more. This frees up profits, which go back into the eXp business for agent support, training and technology. Smart agents don't lease desk fees from Franchises, they have an ownership interest in their Brokerage!

Revenue Share Plan

Whenever an eXp agent brings a new agent into eXp, they are “sponsoring” that agent and can receive revenue share income from the future sales activity of that sponsored agent. To be clear: eXp pays that share — not the new agent. 

Agent Healthcare

Create Wealth & Improve Lifestyle

Why Do Agents get into real estate?.......Wealth & Lifestyle!

Building Wealth requires Four things: Duplication, Eequity Oownership, Passive Residual Income & Multiple Streams of Income. - This are the same reasons agents invest in real estate.

The Traditional Way of Creating Income:  trade enormous amounts of time for active income through commissions – then invest active income into rental properties. If you want to double your rental income, you have to invest the same amount of time  to close more deals. 

At EXP Realty we have all 4 componants of the Wealth Quadrant. At a traditional brokerage, you have none because you only have one income stream that requires a ton of investment in creating it.

Compensated More for the Exact Same Work

Through Revenue Sharing & ICON agent status, agents are compensated more for the exact same number of transactions at their current Brokerage.

Willable Residual Income

Your family & loved ones mean the most to you. eXp agent's residual income is willable to family members who can inherit their Revenue Share. This money will continue to come in and can be used as a security blanket.  

Exit Strategy & Retirement Plan

As long as you maintain a real estate license, you can earn residual income through Revenue Sharing, which will likely increase over time. 

No Geographical Restrictions

While there is a Cap on market share in localized markets, at eXp Realty, you are not geographically restricted. There are 85,000+ agents in nearly 30 countries offering global opportunities, making it easier to scale your business & leverage your brand to the fullest extent. When I travel domestically & internationally, I can write off many of my trips as business expenses because I often promote eXp realty globally through agent attraction.

Leverage Your Business

At eXp Realty, you can easily leverage time & income by Building a Team. At a traditional brokerage,  if you want to double your business, in general, you have to double your time. At eXp Realty, if you help several agents increase their production, you can easily double or triple your income, without putting in two or three times the work.

Scale Your Business

eXp Realty will help increase your wealth, tme, money & reduce your stress. Because we work with other agents in a collaborative environment, many agents help each other by sharing their ideas and marketing materials to help others scale their businesses. Additionally, over 1000 full-time employees are working in the cloud supporting the agents. 24 hours a day.

Ownership of Your Business

Just by being an agent at eXp Realty, you get ownership of the fastest growing brokerage in history. At other brokerages, you are essentially renting your business, because you are paying a monthly fee to a brokerage you don’t have ownership of. What builds wealth? Renting or ownership?  

Thirty-Seven Levels of Support

Most brokerages only have a few tiers of support: their Managing Broker, Mentor & Administration. With the Swarm Group at eXp realty, agents have access to thirty-seven individuals who are motivated to see you succeed.  While agents at eXp realty have Managing Brokers & Mentors, we have so much more! We have 1,000+ full-time admin who specialize in dozens of different real estate subject matters & are dedicated to helping brokers succeed in real-time. We also have access to agent Sponsors, Educators & 7 Tiers of Agents in every agent's upline, who are monetarily incentivized to help them. At the Swarm & Pathway Groups, we offer access to 25+ Real Estate Coaches who speciailize in a variety of subject matters.


Join eXp Realty

Ryan Widerberg

Real Estate Agent

The Swarm Group

eXp Realty

Ryan Widerberg

Real Estate Agent

The Swarm Group

eXp Realty

Ryan Widerberg

Real Estate Agent

The Swarm Group

eXp Realty